Thank you for your support!

2025 Annual Appeal


Your $200 donation covers one day of complete services for a mother and her two children, a home in our cottages, daycare, food, and parenting classes on our campus.
Help us reach our St. Vincent’s 2025 Annual Appeal goal.

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Dear St. Vincent’s Family,

Your compassion has played a vital role in transforming the lives of families in our community, helping mothers and children build a brighter future together.

Your gift – no matter the size – directly impacts the lives of mothers and children in our Family Strengthening Program (FSP).

Since 1996, FSP has been a beacon of hope for struggling families. This 27-month, comprehensive program provides not only safe housing but also essential wraparound services, including counseling, job training, financial literacy, and life skills. These services empower mothers to break free from the constraints of poverty, create healthy family dynamics, and pursue educational and employment opportunities that lead to self-sufficiency. By helping these mothers, we’re investing in the long-term well-being of entire families.

As we look ahead, we ask for your continued support to uplift children and families in our community. Your generosity ensures that St. Vincent’s can provide life-changing services for years to come. Thank you for making a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.


Rosa Paredes                                        Sister Arthur Gordon, DC
President & CEO                                  VP of Mission, FVCC, and Archives

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